Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Back In The Saddle Once More

Hello.  It's been a little over two months since I started this little blog of mine, in a corner of the web-o-sphere.  Unfortunately, I got locked out of this and all things Google, when I had to change cellphones unexpectedly and therefore lost access to 2-Step-Verification (now turned off, since I am the only user on my laptop) - an Awesome tool for security measures, but not very helpful when you find yourself in the situation I was in.  However, being unable to post on here, I started using and learning about Twitter and some inspirational sites.  I try to post something everyday, in the hopes to A: Help someone else, and B:  Help myself overcome my shyness in general.  

My ratties, too, have adjusted to both their new home environment, and have become used to me a little bit more.  They come to me whenever I shake their bag of 
 (yogurt chips).  It's one of their favorite treats, and they both come running as soon as they hear it.  I let them "free range" in my bedroom.  Their cage is open for them all the time and they love the freedom.  They both like to come and cuddle with me at night when I'm in there, usually either working on my laptop or reading my books.  I think it's so cool that they and my doggies and my cat all get along together.  My animals are one of the true joys of my life.  Not only because of the love they give me so freely and completely, but because they and their sometimes silly antics and relationships with each other are the inspiration behind some of my best stories (which I hope to begin sharing here).

Now, that I have access to the site, I plan to post at least twice a week.  I'm not exactly sure what I will write about, as I am very new at this; but I can promise you this:  It will be an adventure like no other, I have ever been on.  Until next time...  

Blessings and Peace To You Always, Dear Reader.  May God light the path before you, so the pebbles in your way, shall not cause you to stumble.

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