Thursday, April 18, 2013

Down the Rabbit Hole, Dare I Go Again...

Little Alice dear, I am following you down the rabbit hole you entered, searching for my muse.  With so many emotions inside of me, I am finding myself using my talents to give them a healthy outlet for expression and creation.  

You see, these stories have been inside of me, struggling to be born.  Each day, my characters I have created, nudge me saying, "Come on, already.  we want to know what our worlds have in store for us.  You created us, you created our worlds.  Don't be afraid anymore.  Be brave and curious, like little Alice was.  You can't just create us, and then leave us hanging.  So what if your stories don't become bestsellers or classics.  At least you will have tried; and more importantly, you will have made use of the talent which God gave you for other's enjoyment and enrichment."

So, here I am, at the edge of my rabbit hole (or was it a curious black squirrel whom I followed here), finding a courage that I didn't know I had.  I'm about to take the plunge, and write the stories I was born to write.  For you see my friend, I know that if I were not to write these stories of mine, then I would be wasting the talent which I have been given.  And somehow, that waste, would be worse than never writing them because I was afraid of failure.  And so, over the edge of the rabbit hole I leap... down... down.... I go... 

Blessings and Peace Always My Friends.....

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