Thursday, April 18, 2013

Down the Rabbit Hole, Dare I Go Again...

Little Alice dear, I am following you down the rabbit hole you entered, searching for my muse.  With so many emotions inside of me, I am finding myself using my talents to give them a healthy outlet for expression and creation.  

You see, these stories have been inside of me, struggling to be born.  Each day, my characters I have created, nudge me saying, "Come on, already.  we want to know what our worlds have in store for us.  You created us, you created our worlds.  Don't be afraid anymore.  Be brave and curious, like little Alice was.  You can't just create us, and then leave us hanging.  So what if your stories don't become bestsellers or classics.  At least you will have tried; and more importantly, you will have made use of the talent which God gave you for other's enjoyment and enrichment."

So, here I am, at the edge of my rabbit hole (or was it a curious black squirrel whom I followed here), finding a courage that I didn't know I had.  I'm about to take the plunge, and write the stories I was born to write.  For you see my friend, I know that if I were not to write these stories of mine, then I would be wasting the talent which I have been given.  And somehow, that waste, would be worse than never writing them because I was afraid of failure.  And so, over the edge of the rabbit hole I leap... down... down.... I go... 

Blessings and Peace Always My Friends.....

Monday, April 8, 2013

Facing My Fear

Trying desperately to have a new outlook on life. Please bear with me, as I undergo these changes. Too much in my head right now, just need to get it all out somewhere. I'm teaching myself how to paint in Photoshop - I started learning a few days ago. As I painted the only thing that even barely resembles something real - a scene of a stormy sea and sky - it started setting my imagination on fire. And today, I find myself getting lost among the pages of texts and pictures of the 18th century. How, in the world, did I wind up there? Well, imagination being what it is (at least mine anyways), with one thought leading to another and with my life in such a state of upheaval (at least it feels that way), I am finding myself creating a world for a story that I am going to write.

As crazy as this may sound, maybe if I tell you guys, that I am doing this, then I will actually do it. I have a really bad, bad habit of not finishing my stories (or even seriously working on them). It's not because I'm a lousy writer (I'm not), lazy (physically my body's done, but my mind is always active), shy (extremely, until you get to know me), or even because I'm a procrastinator (the best one still alive!). No, it's because I have been beaten down so much, that my fear of people, sometimes seems too great to overcome. Fear of rejection? Oh yeah, I got it, all right. Is this a "character defect"? I think so (beginning to see what some of mine are just writing this and understanding the term).

I don't remember where I read it - and I know there's a spot in the Bible about it, too - but the gist of it was this: Don't Waste Your Talent. So, I ask you, if there is something we are good at doing that is good for others, and we don't do it because of our own fears, then aren't we depriving others of something good? And I guess that that's where the Waste comes into effect. To think that if I had been able to face my fears long ago, I would be an accomplished author now, is mind-blowing to me.

So, to everyone who reads this little missive, please don't waste your talents like I have. My fears have cost me deeply in my life. I know what a monster fear can be, what it has kept me from doing and achieving. At least now, I am struggling to break out of my shell and bravely, if timidly, face the world. I have no idea where I will find myself when I shake the last piece of shell from my body, but at least I will have overcome my fear.

Blessings and Peace Always Everyone,

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Back In The Saddle Once More

Hello.  It's been a little over two months since I started this little blog of mine, in a corner of the web-o-sphere.  Unfortunately, I got locked out of this and all things Google, when I had to change cellphones unexpectedly and therefore lost access to 2-Step-Verification (now turned off, since I am the only user on my laptop) - an Awesome tool for security measures, but not very helpful when you find yourself in the situation I was in.  However, being unable to post on here, I started using and learning about Twitter and some inspirational sites.  I try to post something everyday, in the hopes to A: Help someone else, and B:  Help myself overcome my shyness in general.  

My ratties, too, have adjusted to both their new home environment, and have become used to me a little bit more.  They come to me whenever I shake their bag of 
 (yogurt chips).  It's one of their favorite treats, and they both come running as soon as they hear it.  I let them "free range" in my bedroom.  Their cage is open for them all the time and they love the freedom.  They both like to come and cuddle with me at night when I'm in there, usually either working on my laptop or reading my books.  I think it's so cool that they and my doggies and my cat all get along together.  My animals are one of the true joys of my life.  Not only because of the love they give me so freely and completely, but because they and their sometimes silly antics and relationships with each other are the inspiration behind some of my best stories (which I hope to begin sharing here).

Now, that I have access to the site, I plan to post at least twice a week.  I'm not exactly sure what I will write about, as I am very new at this; but I can promise you this:  It will be an adventure like no other, I have ever been on.  Until next time...  

Blessings and Peace To You Always, Dear Reader.  May God light the path before you, so the pebbles in your way, shall not cause you to stumble.